Nous sommes ravi(e)s de vous dévoiler la composition des jurys pour les catégories long et court métrage de notre tout premier festival, FIJA. Les membres du jury sont des comédiens et comédiennes issus de toutes les générations. Restez attentif car la sélection officielle des films sera annoncée dans les prochains jour.
Singer, muse, actress, filmmaker, and director of numerous films and music videos, Arielle Dombasle is a versatile artist.
She has distinguished herself through collaborations with many renowned directors, including Eric Rohmer, Raoul Ruiz, Werner Schroeter, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Roman Polanski, and John Malkovich. A former student of the Conservatoire, she has also been the muse for prominent fashion designers such as Jean-Paul Gaultier, John Galliano, and Yves Saint Laurent, who referred to her as the perfect “Blonde Venus.”
In 2024, she returns with a new album titled “Iconics,” featuring a selection of legendary tracks by female artists who have left a mark on the history of music.
At the head of this exceptional jury is Arielle Dombasle, an iconic figure in French cinema, recognized for her multiple talents as an actress, singer, director, and screenwriter. With a career that began alongside Eric Rohmer, an iconic artist.
Jules Benchetrit
Jules Benchetrit is an actor who began his career in the movie “Chez Gino.” He regularly acts in both cinema and television.
Eden Dambrine
Belgian revelation thanks to his role in “Close,” winner of the Grand Prix at Cannes in 2022, directed by Lukas Dhont.
Jean-Christophe Bouvet
Actor, screenwriter, and director, notably starring in the successful Netflix series “Emily in Paris.”
Noah Deric
Revealed in series such as “Un si grand soleil” and “Joséphine ange gardien,” he also joins the cast of Season 4 of “Les Bracelets rouges”.
Dembo Camilo
Known for his role in the series “Demain nous appartient” and “Ici tout commence” on TF1.
Roman Doduik
Rising star in French comedy, with a community of nearly 3 million followers on TikTok and half a million on Instagram.
Alexia Chardard
Actress trained at Aix-Marseille University, taking on roles in cinema, television, and theater.
Dominique Frot
Actress and director, having participated in over 100 films and numerous theatrical productions. She will serve as the president of the Short Film Jury.
Maéva Elaroussi
Actress who has taken part in several television series and landed her first film role in “Ténor.”
Louna Espinosa
Known for her role in the series “Les Bracelets rouges,” she has been splitting her time between cinema and television since 2018.
Theo Fernandez
Known for his role as Donald in “Les Tuche” and as Lucas “Lux” in the series “Stalk.”
Jean-Baptiste Maunier
Known for his role in “Les Choristes,” he has since been involved in several feature films and television movies, in addition to his singing career.
Liam Hellman
Actor and director revealed in the series “Ici Tout Commence” on TF1, who also directed his second short film in 2023.
Vincent Zulawski
Actor and poet, his first short film, “La Revanche,” inspired by a story by Guy de Maupassant, blends theater and cinema.